In Iso,

Let's Hack from Home.

Everything is weird right now. We're all feeling a little helpless and a lot isolated from our 'normal' lives. We have entered an unprecedented time in our history, that will change the way we see and live in the world at the end of it.

The crazy thing is, while you're isolated at home, so is everyone else. Technology is playing a critical role in giving us control during this time. We are all finding unique and fun ways to remote access into our lives: school, work, relationships, name it. As we navigate living in the crisis, our lives may have a 'new normal' after it.

The theme of Hack from Home is 'Productivity in Isolation'. You'll be asked to compete against other teams to develop a wire-frame and storyboard for a productivity tool that will help solve one of the unique challenges (of your choosing) for those living and working fully remote.

This is your opportunity as a technologist to develop a solution that may help us all in this time of isolation. Because we're in it together.

Join us on Friday, April 17 & Saturday, April 18 and hack from the comfort of your home to help create the new normal.

Applications end 11:59 pm, 15 April.

How it works


Dr. Reda Bouadjenek

Reda is a lecturer of Applied Artificial Intelligence in the SIT at Deakin. Previously, he was a Research Fellow at The University of Toronto and at The University of Melbourne. Reda has a Ph.D. and an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Paris-Saclay France and a BSc in Computer Science from USTHB Algeria.

Dr. Sergey Polyakovskiy

Sergey is a Lecturer in Computer Science in SIT at Deakin, and a previous lecturer at the University of Adelaide. Seregy has a Ph.D. Operational Research from Ufa State Aviation Technical University.

Dr. Somaiyeh MahmoudZadeh

Somaiyeh is a lecturer of Data Science in SIT at Deakin, completing a post doctoral fellowship at Monash University. Somaiyeah has a Ph.D. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics from Flinders University.


Daniel Steen

Daniel is an experienced UX and Innovation Specialist at Deakin University, previously working at DeakinCo as a Senior Digital Designer.

Professor Peter Eklund

Peter is Professor of AI and Machine Learning at Deakin and an elected Fellow of The Australian Computer Society. In 2010 he was award the Australian Federal Government’s Smart Infrastructure Research Award. Peter has co-founded several tech start-ups and in 2008 was seconded to Objective Corporation as its Principle Research Scientist to help re-engineering their content management software.

Professor Robin Ram Mohan Doss

Robin is a Professor of Information Technology and the Deputy Head of the School of Information Technology. In addition, Robin is Director of the Security and Privacy Research in IoT (SPYRIT) lab where he leads a team of researchers and PhD students focussed on solving the cyber security challenges presented by IoT-enabled smart & critical infrastructures across industry domains.


Each member of the winning team will receive

  • $50 JB Hi-Fi voucher

  • $50 Uber Eats voucher

  • $30 HOYTS voucher

  • Bragging rights 😎


  • Must be a current Deakin student


Don't worry, we provide respirces to help guide you!

  • Students must work on and communicate through Microsoft Teams

  • Develop something!

  • 3 minute pitch presentation to judges

  • Create a pitch presentation with template provided

Judging Criteria

Judging will take place after the hack is finished. Students will be rostered at random to present for 3 minutes to a panel of judges. The presentation will include an elevator pitch and a explanation of the portfolio of work completed. Pitches will be occur in the general Teams channel where all participants may view.

  • Innovation: or the uniqueness of the solution for the problem

  • Entrepreneurship: or the hustle in identifying a need and opportunity

  • Creativity: or how you defy expectations by breaking norms

  • Viability: or the potential business value

  • Prototype: or the quality of solution and its feasibility with current technology

Questions or concerns?
Contact Hack From Home's administrator:

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